Woof woof, woof whimper woof.
Woof woof bark woof woof bark woof woof woof grrr. Grr.
One week from today. That's all the time I have left.
During this last week, I need to:
finish packing
organize the boxes
see friends
contemplate what I've done
find a way to be happy and sad at the same time
find the excitement underneath the stress
This has been quite the adventure (and I'm sure it will continue to be!)
much of the past few days working on my yard. I got a truckload of mulch, about 800 bricks, and enough flowers to plant three hanging baskets. The bricks will be used to create a tree ring and a sidewalk. My patio is brick and I'd like to have a sidewalk running from it to the driveway. Since the bricks were free (gotta love Craigslist) I decided this was a good time.
I love my backyard. Especially when the honeysuckle and peony's are in full bloom - it smells wonderful.
You know you're in the midst of a major remodel when your bathroom sink and toilet end up on your bedroom floor.
After working until 2 am though, I had a sheet of drywall behind the toilet, a new floor, and water. We replaced all the stuff inside the toilet, as well as the seals and washers. As long as it was apart and in pieces, why not?
For now, a long soak in the tub, followed by Advil and bed. I begin again tomorrow.