Thursday, July 3, 2008


Karen says that I should just go to bed instead of posting stuff (or assembling the stroller that we can't use for a few weeks), but I really can't wait for this moment:

We would like to proudly introduce you to Kendra Jeanette Pinkard! She's got her mother's beautiful blue eyes and nose but the rest is the kind of thing that makes a father both proud and apologetic. The coloration on her head is from her breathing system, which she'll likely be on for another 2-3 weeks. She has a full head of wavy thin hair the same color as mine. Of course all three of those things are subject to change. The tube in her mouth is for removing oxygen from her belly, and the gold heart is to measure her skin temperature from the heat lamp above. There are also sensors for oxygen in the blood, and heart rate, as well as an IV and a tiny little blood-pressure cuff. I can't help but to gasp at those tiny elegant little fingers grasping onto her mother's finger.

I really didn't want this to be the image that introduced her to all of you, but it brought (brings) such joy to my eyes (and tears) that I can't help but to share it. This was the first time Mom and Daughter got to meet each other outside of the OR. Sometimes we just don't take a moment to marvel at the power and wonder of life, but there it is at its very best. Hug someone, 'k?

Sorry about the wet mouse, Karen. I'll dry that off later.

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